Saturday, October 8, 2011

Swamp Thing #1

Swamp Thing is a character that has had a lot of buzz going into this initiative. It's not easy taking a character that hasn't been in the mainstream DCU for so long and putting him back in as a major player. But I think Scott Snyder has done an exceptional job doing just that. It's the first of these new titles that I've read (and I haven't read them all yet) to really give you the amount of character background you need to get where the book's coming from. It's also got the creepy factor down in a book that should be expected to contain it. Snyder is a top player in that field. Yanick Paquette just might be at the top of his artistic game with this. The details in the backgrounds especially stand out, bringing the world of these characters to life in a very believable fashion. This title definitely lives up to the pre-launch hype.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, I got my hands on this just a couple days before I had to leave for deployment, and haven't read it yet. I'll have 6 months' worth to get through when I get home. I am wondering though, since I'm sure everyone in the industry will be making this comparison, how does it measure up to Alan Moore's run on the book?
