Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fury of Firestorm #1

The Fury of Firestorm is an example (a rare example) of a true reboot. There's no doubt in this fact. It's also a pretty complete origin story to boot. We get to learn what a Firestorm is along with the rest of the cast. The problem is, so far, it's not that exciting. There's some decent action in it, but I actually have some problem with how some of that action plays out. It's a pretty gruesomely violent book. I'm not a squeamish guy, and love my over the top violence, but this seemed too much like tourture porn than normal violence. There's been a few titles in the DCnU that have utilized this. Maybe it's something that's always been around in some books, but it just seems to me that it's kind of thrown in your face in this entire initiative more than I was expecting. The dialog tries to be a little cooler than it actually is in some places, but it also has some better ways of making the characters more believable than other books. The art is okay, fitting the flow of the book well enough. Overall, the book is a middle of the road title. Better than some of these DCnU titles, but not in the top tier.

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