Saturday, October 8, 2011

Action Comics #1

Action Comics will round out my reviews of the first full week of DC's relaunched titles. And it's one of the biggest titles DC's putting out. One of their top two writers on one of their top two characters. And I did not like it. It's no secret I am not a fan of Grant Morrison (except for his Vertigo work) and I find Superman extremely boring. But I promised myself to go into this with an unbiased, open-mind. Everyone always raved how good All-Star Superman was, so I figured I'd get some taste of that here. Well, I don't know how All-Star Supes went, but this was nothing what I expected a Superman book to be like. Maybe that's a good thing for a new generation? But to me, it's too much of a change. And not an interesting change. Yes, it's nice to see a fresh take, but it just seemed way too different. Whether that's because of the whole lawsuit DC's facing or because Morrison just wants to completely redo the core character, I'm not sure. I just know I was disappointed. I tried not to be. I honestly did. Geoff Johns might've changed my perception of his writing so far, but Morrison just soldified my dislike of his.

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