Saturday, October 8, 2011

Green Lantern: New Guardians #1

And the 52 DCnU reviews come to a close with Green Lantern: New Guardians. I think the GL franchise is the strongest in the DC line. Every book has been new reader friendly even though the old DCU stories were continued, every book has had great art, and every book has been what a comic should feel like. In this one, we get to see the wide spectrum of the different Lantern Corps (and it's not pronounced "corpse" people). There's even a nice introduction of Kyle Rayner at the beginning to catch new readers up to speed. I enjoyed seeing a bit of all the different Corps as much as I did learning about Kyle. My only quibble is with the art. It's nice, and most definitely brings a cosmic life to the book. But everyone seems to have porcupine hair. Like they all have spikes instead of hair. That needs to go. But the color palate is pleasing, accentuating each Corps member nicely. It'll be fun to see if each Corps is highlighted in the series, or if it'll begin to focus solely on Kyle's life as a Green Lantern. In Brightest Day indeed...

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