Saturday, October 8, 2011

Superman #1

Superman, Superman, Superman. Why dost thou books suck? Shouldn't you be the premiere line in the DCnU? You've been upstaged by your cousin and your clone. Crazy. This book was bad. The dialog was as craptacular as an old Saturday morning cartoon. The action was uninspired. The plot involving the selling of the Daily Planet to a rival company has already been seen in the Amazing Spider-Man. The art, which you'd think would be a huge plus, was disjointed. This was as disappointing as Action Comics. At least with Action, I figured it'd be bad because I despise Grant Morrison. But I like George Perez. A lot. But not here. This did nothing to make me like the younger Superman. EXCEPT for one thing. The last page. That page made Clark Kent as human as Peter Parker. It felt like a very "Marvelizing" of Superman. That was terrific. That made me feel for a character that overall is as boring as a character can get. I don't know if it'll be enough to get past all the other problems with this book, but it's enough for me to recommend this over Action Comics. That is, IF you need to read any Superman book at all.

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