Saturday, October 8, 2011

Batwoman #1

Batwoman was the one book I was going to buy even when I was against the whole reboot. This was the book I have been waiting almost a year for. This was the character I loved when everybody jumped off Detective Comics when she came aboard. So to say I had a huge amount of anticipation for this title would be a gigantic understatement. And it was worth every second I had to wait for it. It was amazing. The art is the most beautiful art in any book on the stands today. Probably the most beautiful art in the past 10 years. If you read Kate Kane's Detective stories, then you know what I'm talking about. If you didn't, you're in for a treat. I will fight anybody that says differently. The story starts out more supernaturally than I like in my Batbooks, but it fits this character more than it fits Batman. I like the dynamic between her and her partner. It has a very good Batman & Robin feel to it. It's quite arguably the best Batbook on the stands. It'll get overlooked like the Detective Comics issues did, and that's a crime. Make sure you don't let that happen twice.

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