Saturday, October 8, 2011

Batman: The Dark Knight #1

Batman: the Dark Knight is a book that shouldn't have been brought over from the old DCU. I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just that there are already so many Bat-titles, why do we need this one? It doesn't bring anything to the table that the other titles (Batman, Detective Comics, Batman & Robin) haven't already have, plus, it's the weakest of the four. When Dick Grayson was Batman at the same time as Bruce Wayne, it made sense to have multiple Bat-books. But now that Bruce is the lone cowl-wearer, it's overkill to have this many. Sure, David Finch's art is nice, but his style fits better at Marvel. I can't really put my finger on why I feel that way, but them's the facts. He also has an odd way of drawing men's faces. His women are terrific, but his men look, I don't know, gnarled. Just very discontorted. If you're getting all the Bat-titles, then this one will fit just fine in your collecting, but if you're trying to limit yourself to one or two, the other titles are better choices.

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