Saturday, October 8, 2011

Suicide Squad #1

Suicide Squad, admittedly, was a title that frightened me and intrigued me all because of one character: Harley Quinn. Harleen's been a character I have liked ever since she premiered in the Batman animated series. But this looked nothing like the ol' Harl I knew. I wanted to know why her looked changed and how she ended up on a team that was run by the government. Well, I got one of the questions answered. And the book answered it in a way that, so far, most of these DCnU titles haven't done. It gave a backstory so new readers would know who these characters were and why they were here. No, they weren't complexly detailed backstories, but they didn't really need them. There was enough to get you interested to find out more about them. It's a pretty brutal book, which should be expected since it's about a team of degenerates on death row. You probably won't find yourself rooting for the whole team to survive, and frankly, they all won't. That's the premise of the book. The lead up to next issue is definitely ambiguous enough to hook you. My fears have been averted for now.

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