Sunday, January 20, 2013

Savage Wolverine #1

It's another Wolverine title! Hooray! I just don't understand how Marvel can keep pitching this idea to anybody anymore. But they do. And they do it with Spider-Man, and DC does it with Superman and Batman. And why do they do that? Because it's a safe sale. Sometimes the titles end up being worth it and sometimes they end up being worthless. It's too soon to say where this title stands.

I didn't hate this book at all. It was fun, gory, and exactly what it's supposed to be: savage. The trouble is, is this the main Wolverine title or is the Paul Cornell/Alan Davis "Wolverine" book the main one? Wolverine does not need two monthly ongoings. He's in Wolverine & the X-Men, Astonishing X-Men, All-New X-Men, Avengers, Uncanny Avengers and now two self-titled books. That's way, way too many to justify two solo books. So one of these will not last. I have a feeling this will be the one to go. Like I said, I didn't hate it (even though I despise Savage Land stories and am sick to death of how many there have been in the Marvel Universe lately), but I feel once Frank Cho is no longer on the book, this title will become pointless. Cho is the strong point with this title. It has everything he's known for. You can see and feel his personal touch all over this book. If you are a fan of Frank, then don't miss this. I really hope he's on the book for a long time, and the Savage Land story is only the first arc. I'd love to see Frank write & draw Logan in Japan, interacting with the Avengers, teaming up with the Punisher, basically anything. But I don't want to see this book without Cho on it. It would become just another watered-down Wolverine title. That's not to belittle any other creator out there. I just feel like the aforementioned Cornell/Davis Wolverine title is going to be the solo book that affects Logan's ongoing history. This Savage Wolverine title should be a series of mini-series only done by Cho.

This is one of the few times I'd suggest picking up the book in trades. I feel like it's going to work best in arcs. Maybe I'm wrong and each successive issue will change my mind into thinking this book will be the main Wolverine title. But for right now, I feel this is a niche Wolverine book. By no means bad, but not entirely worthy of ongoing status.


  1. "Cho is the strong point with this title. It has everything he's known for."

    I see what you did there, using comic-book-code for "busty ladies."

  2. Well, there is that, but he does do dinosaurs and brutality very well also.

    But yes, Shanna is shakin' in all the right places.
