Monday, December 5, 2011

Batgirl #2 & #3

Continuing to catch up on my DC books, I'm discovering a disturbing trend: a lot of books that had good first issues, have gone downhill from there. Batgirl's a prime example, and her first issue wasn't all that enthralling to begin with.
The art is still fine. My only two problems with it are the fact that Babs seems too young. I know that the characters in the DCnU have been slightly de-aged in areas, but the Bat-books are supposed to be continuing from the old continuity. Even Bruce Wayne looks too young now. And yet Dick Grayson looks like he used to? Headache, you may now begin. My other problem is the suit; it just looks too armored. If it turns out to be part of the plot, then I can accept it, but with no explaination yet (unless I'm forgetting that from the first issue), it looks terrible.
The storytelling is my main problem. The fact that Barbara is screwing up left and right is explained as her not doing the whole superhero gig for several years, due to her paralysis. Yet it's said she was shot only three years prior. So in that time she forgot how to handle herself and use her smarts? I thought she had still been Oracle? If that's the case, why is she acting like such a rookie now? It's weak. The fact that they still don't explain how she can walk is extremely annoying. I understand not answering all questions immediately to keep the reader coming back, but I feel this is unacceptable in this case. The fact that Barbara would be walking again was a MAJOR controversy when the DCnU was announced. To not give any answer by now is an injustice to her fans. Frankly, this whole series is an injustice to her fans. This makes Batgirl seem incompetent, useless, and downright unlikeable. I really hope this gets fixed quickly, because if not, a once great character's potential has been needlessly squandered. I also hate how each issue has ended so abruptly. You expect to turn the page to see more story, and all you get is To Be Continued. Pathetic pacing. A good story keeps you hooked, not wondering if you're missing a page. But this whole series has been keeping me wondering. Wondering when a better story will appear.

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