Saturday, December 17, 2011

Avengers: X-Sanction #1

The road to Avengers vs. X-Men begins here. Well, technically it began in Marvel Point One, but that was such a short story, that we'll just call that a prologue.
Cable's back, and he's got 24 hours to stop the Avengers. Stop them from what? That's the catch. All we know is it has something to do with Hope, who will also be a huge focus of AvX. This first issue has Cable already back, setting his trap for the Avengers, as he takes them out one by one. That's a cool aspect, because if he was to take them on all at once, he probably wouldn't stand a chance. But Cable's been around long enough, and in enough skirmishes to know the best way to stop his opponents.
I just wish it wasn't such a quick read. I feel with only 4 issues in this series that we should've gotten more backstory in this first issue. The way it's laid out, it seems like the whole series will be jumping back and forth from the present where Cable attacks the Avengers, and the future, where we see how he managed to survive the end of the Second Coming story to return to the past (our present). Hopefully it doesn't take all 4 parts to tell us how he comes back, because that'll be quite needless. But we'll have to see.
It's nice to see Jeph Loeb back on Cable again. Jeph's got a long history with the character, and there isn't a better choice to handle his return. Even though I have a feeling it's going to be a short lived one. Having Ed McGuinness as Loeb's partner-in-crime on art is the perfect complement. Those two have always been a great match. Maybe even better than Loeb & Sale. And Ed's really on his game here. The combatants really exude that superhero style you want in a book that's just one big brawl.
While I was hoping for more explanations and plot, I did enjoy this book for what it was: a ground layer for much bigger things to come. There's a storm brewing, and it's name is the Phoenix...

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