Saturday, August 11, 2012

New Avengers #29

My original plan was to review every single part of AvX after I had my first published review on with #0. But the series blew up so big that it seemed like every person on the planet was reading it, so I didn't feel the need to review something everybody already had their hands on. And while that feeling still holds true, this tie-in issue was so good, so powerful, that I had to share my thoughts.

To me, Brian Michael Bendis is one of the best, if not THE best, at giving characterizations. This issue personifies that quite possibly better than anything else he's written. It's easily my favorite of any AvX issue so far, including the main series. It centers around Captain America's calling together of the remaining members of the Illuminati with the hope of talking some sense into Namor. As each member shows up, they all tell Cap how futile an effort it is to expect Namor to actually show up to peace talks. But Cap holds out hope that one of his oldest compatriots will see the light.

The entire issue is nothing but one big conversation, and that is what makes it perfect. Each character's thoughts on the whole AvX battle is truly eye-opening. The reasoning with which Reed Richards explains why he feels the X-Men might be right is a logical surprise. Professor X's inner turmoil about feeling blamed by the others for Cyclops' turn and his own feelings of failing Scott as a father is gut-wrenching. Iron Man's jerkish attitude hides his inability to find a solution to a crisis he feels he created when his weapon spilt the Phoenix into the Phoenix Five. Dr. Strange's slight indifference of doing anything other than taking orders from Cap. And of course, Cap's staunch refusal to believe his teammate is beyond reasoning with.

All of the emotion is brought to life brilliantly by artist Mike Deodato. The facial expressions he gives each character is exactly what you'd expect someone to look like in a real life situation. But that's always been one of Mike's best qualities as an artist; his realism. You can actually believe these people are out there doing these things. Even if it's just sitting around a table debating.

The only problem with this issue, and it's a pretty big one, is I'm not sure when it takes place. All of the Phoenix Five have their powers here, but that hasn't been the case for over a month. And when you factor in Namor's attack on Wakanda, this issue had to be before AvX #7. I just can't place it.

That possible continuity flub should in no way make you pass on reading one of the best written books in years. It's definitely the hands-down best written tie-in of any of these event books that have been the norm for the Big Two the past 8 years or so. Yes, there's really no action in this issue, but sometimes words are the most powerful weapons.

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