Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha & Omega #1

If you are a fan of the main Wolverine and the X-Men series, then you should not miss this side series. It lets Quentin Quire shine brightly, where he doesn't get the full attention in the main book. Quentin's always been a jerk (to put it "kid-friendly"), but that's what makes him a great character. You can't have every character be your obvious hero, or run-of-the-mill villain. Is Quentin a hero? Nope. But he's not a clear-cut villain, either. That's what makes him interesting. You want to see what mischief he starts.
The mischief he brings about in this series is completely directed at Wolverine, someone who he has a huge problem with currently. Quentin traps Logan and Armor in Logan's mind, for a reason that is yet to be fully explained. Sure, the simple answer is simply to screw with Logan, but nothing is ever simple when it comes to Quentin Quire.
It's good to see Brian Wood back at Marvel. It's been probably over a decade since he's written anything for them. He's still got a great grasp on characters that he has never written before, or written very little of in the past. He immediately makes Quire his own. The story fits it amazingly well with Jason Aaron's main series.
I am torn on the art. I love Mark Brooks' art, so the psychic parts of the story work well. The multitude of inkers is a little jarring, but not distracting. Just...noticeable in certain panels. But, I do not like Roland Boschi's art on the present day parts. I've seen better from him before, so it's disappointing he didn't bring his A game to such a high profile book. I really hope it gets better in subsequent issues, or quite frankly, it could be a huge detraction from the overall series.
But for now, the book is a worthy read. It leaves you with just enough story to satisfy, but also enough "I don't get it" so you'll come back for the answers.

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